Asate is a shield-type mobile in GunboundM. It's weapon is concentrating laser lights coming from the golden satellite that floats above it. One of the main reason why Asate is popular among beginners is its ease of use. You can still make a tremendous damage even if your shot lands past your target, as long as the mobile is in the line of between you and the satellite.


  • Strong against machine-type mobiles
  • Easy to use
  • Good fire power
  • Misses can still hit


  • Weak against animal-type mobiles
  • Low health
  • Ineffective offense when part of the map stand in the way of the satellite
  • Satellite will not shoot lasers if your shot does not make contact with the land or the target


Asate Regular
Asate Ghost
Asate Gold
Asate Army
Asate Dragon
Asate Neon


Icon Skill Description
Low Altitude Satellite Fire, LASF Shoots two lasers at low altitude. Typical damage is 120-160. Best to use if you want to destroy more land.
High Altitude Satellite Fire, HASF Shoots two lasers at high altitude. Average damage is 200-270.
Laser Bombing Shoots six lasers at high altitude. Average damage is 400-550.

Recommended Avatars and Jewels

You can build a pure offensive bot but the downside is you can get ganged up and die early without making significant damage. Players in top 100 usually pair Asate with an avatar with recovery or emergency restore skill to compensate for it's low health. In the lower tier league, you can get away with any avatars that enhances both offense and defense such as Yeti.

